07 november 2007

Dikt nummer tre

Tänkte att det e dags för ännu en dikt, det vill säga den tredje som jag lagt ut här. Men det var svårt att välja vilken... Men till slut föll valet på en vid namn "What’s life?" Mycket nöje...

What is life?
What is life?
Is it to always be happy and laugh?
Or is it to experience sadness and tears?
What is life?
Is it to always be the strong one who shows courage in every situation?
Or is it to be the weak one who hides behind the others?

What is life?
Is it to have big hopes and dreams, which always comes true?
Or is it to be disappointed about all the unfulfilled wishes and desires?
What is life?
Is it to experience success after success and always smile?
Or is it to fail in every situation and walk around with the feeling that the sky has fallen down?

Whatever you think life is, you have to live it.
You can’t hide from it ´cause it will always find you.
You have to go out there and experience both the good and the bad things.
You have to feel the love and feel the hate.You have to live.

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